Upper Midwest Australian Shepherd Club
January 20th & 21st, 2018
UMASC Frostbite Frolic - Held at Tails Up in Burnsville, MN
Three conformation shows, one obedience trial, two rally trials
March 3rd & 4th - March into Spring
Saturday the 3rd - 3 conformation shows & 2 obedience trials
Sunday the 4th - 2 conformation shows & 2 rally trials
Shows and trials will be held at Total Recall in Hugo, MN
For more information contact Kim Patterson at: krpatt@hotmail.com
May 19th - Summer Kickoff
Saturday the 19th - 3 conformation shows
July 21st & 22nd - Cattail Classic
Saturday the 21st - 2 conformation shows
Sunday the 22nd - 2 conformation shows
For more information contact:
Kathy Sianko at silvermoonaussies@msn.com
August 30 through September 2nd - Coyote Classic Stock Trial
Trial will be located at Deb Conroy's Farm in Farmington, MN
Thursday, August 30th, will be for post advanced only
For more information contact:
Deb Conroy at conroyfarm@hotmail.com